Hello, I'm Paul Russell.

I ask people this question all the time.

"In your business, If technology was suddenly free would you fill your boots or would you pause and ask loudly with an open curious mind, ‘what is the problem we are trying to fix ?"

I help business leaders find the courage to rediscover curiosity; create space for innovative thought, build stronger business justification and understand the change in human behaviour they really need to invest in.

I run GoodEnoughIsm Workshops

I love helping people figure out how to get to their goals. I am a huge supporter of both the BLIX Network and their efforts to improve opportunity for under-represented young people, and the Be The Business initiative helping small business leaders achieve growth. I work with my mentees in a open yet intimate conversation, seeking to listen actively to their ideas and concerns. Never judging; always supporting.

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I mentor leaders'

I coach business teams and individuals on how to adapt their thinking to solving problems when confronted with the lure of technological solutions and the uncertainty of human outcomes. My coaching style is strongly curiosity led, supporting individuals and teams to discover their best approach. I relish the challenge to disrupt thinking, challenge bias and help confront fears and doubts.

I coach teams'

I am fortunate to support the STEM community helping young people explore the possibilities of the power of technology. A role I treasure working with some amazing peers and teachers who are helping dispel myths about the STEM career path. I am also devoted to helping close the digital poverty gap through the Digital Poverty Alliance. An often hidden aspect of modern society that needs diverse thinking support across business leaders, politicians and community leaders.

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Writing another book!

A book that talks directly to the question we often ask or are asked- "tell me what good looks like".

A book that challenges the narrow channel we build between our conversations that aim to remove uncertainty and create a future that looks amazing and the best it can be.

A book that challenges us to think about a different question - "describe what good enough would feel like".

A question that is 100% human and requiring no artificial help though has a serious connection to how we use technology to remove these uncertainties and find a better way of solving problems.

A life time journey that I use in my working life but also from my personal experiences to discover, listen, observe and debate.

A fascination in fact that brings me up against designers, technologists, entrepreneurs and psychologists.

A book that is in draft

A fresh challenge for me to manage my time and concentration better, but a book that for me at least, only has to be GOOD ENOUGH.

Let's see.


Is business language getting in your way?

  •  02/11/2023 05:39 PM

Ever feel like you're talking in circles when it comes to change and transformation? You're not alone. Tune in as Paul Russell and Mark Vincent dissect the 'Language Trap'—the sneaky words and phrases that undermine our best efforts. Discover why these pitfalls exist and how they can lead to confusion, disruption and disappointment.

Good Ideas - Where do you get yours?

  •  21/09/2023 03:38 PM

Ideas. We all have them. We need them to survive and thrive whether in personal life or in the world of work. But where do they come from? And when we are talking about new ideas does our track record of ideas success (and failure) matter? Should we forget the past and only look forward? Will this time be different? And for those employed to be 'ideas people' can we rely on them alone to be the saviour or can we simply take a look on social media and use what strangers are seducing us with?

The question we rarely ask each other

  •  25/08/2023 12:36 PM

If we just find the time to ask this question - what question have I not asked you that you feel I should have what would we learn? Questions are the lifeblood of how we grow. They seek information to help us understand each other but too often we are converged too much on asking questions that suit a situation constraining us unfairly into closed mindset moments. Yet the human is desperate to learn more. Why not try the question and see what you learn? It might surprise you.

Fall BACK in love with problems

  •  06/07/2023 10:51 AM

In our instant gratification lives we are often guilty of relying on the 'heard it before' auto pilot response when thinking about problems. Despite our attempts to think differently at some point or other we can get caught out and miss the opportunity to see something we might miss.

I was never trained to tell stories - were you?

  •  05/12/2022 04:14 PM

We might be good at telling stories to our children but why do we struggle to tell good business stories? Have we become lazy or too reliant on others or social media to do it for us? But hang on we were never trained to tell stories so we have to go with what we think.

What is the trilogy of temptation?

  •  05/11/2022 12:12 AM

How we are seduced by technology through innovation that fuels our confidence we can do better and at a greater pace. Where agile and fragile are often too close for comfort. the ChatGPT AI debate in early 2023 sort of underlines my perspective.

My first book

  •  06/10/2022 09:01 AM

My first book! A book about sales but really about you and me. How we can rediscover our inner Diverger to get more from the conversations we have. What is a Diverger? You and me for a start. It is just years of curiosity gets stripped away from us. My book is about how you can put it back.

The power of diverse thinking

  •  06/09/2021 04:37 PM

How a community came together joined by the desire to share stories and mutual respect. 48 amazing people.

I love talking through problems with people so if you have a business challenge please do get in touch.